October 2022: HANBENnInK80 in Fryslân / MISHAKOSMOS Back in Stock
All the fans of the ICP movement are about to face a wonderful festive gift this year: Han Bennink‘s 80’s Birthday celebrations (Happy Birthday HAN !), are taking place among multiple locations in Fryslan (Friesland) province of Dutchland. Those who are close there, I already envy. Those who are close or determined enough to get there, do not hesitate, as as always with Han live performances, they will be both Spiritual & Unforgettable.
HANBENnInK80 in Fryslân
We STILL don’t believe it, but the man driving the band from the back seat turned 80 years old in April 2022 and shows no sign of slowing down: in fact he may even be speeding up! This autumn Han continues the birthday festivities with four exhibitions and thirteen concerts featuring collaborators of all ages (including of course the ICP Orchestra) on four different stages in Friesland as part of HANBENnInK80 in Fryslân.
The four locations are:
1) Galerie Hoogenbosch in Gorredijk will feature a retrospective of Han’s visual art, from his art school days through the present. This exhibition will also feature items from the gallery’s ethnographic collection selected by Han, as well as historic photographs from Pieter Boersma, who has been photographing Han and ICP since the 1960s.
2) “Vogels, Vissen, Water” (Birds, Fish, Water) is the theme of Han’s exhibition in Het Tripgemaal in Gersloot. The objects, drawings and collages on display are from the “Eb en Vloed” (Ebb and Flow) collection of the late Thom Mercuur, founder of and Museum Belvédère, and will be supplemented with work by Han that has never before been exhibited in Het Tripgemaal.
3) It was love at first sight between Han and Theatercafé Le Brocope in Oldeberkoop, so this was another natural location for this autumn’s jubileum: in fact, ICP066 (Komen en Gaan) was recorded there with the help of the café’s pianola! Han’s many artworks with drum heads, drum sticks and music notation were a natural fit to be shown at this exhibition.
4) Finally, the fourth exhibition/concert location is Museum Belvédère in Oranjewoud, where Han exhibits and performs again after having had a very well-received full-scale retrospective there in 2012.
Please come out and see/hear us on one or more of these dates, we’d love to see you! The full list of HANBENnInK80 in Fryslân shows is here (downloadable flyer here), and you can reserve a place at any of the exhibition/concert locations by sending an email to hanbennink80@gmail.com. Hope to see you there!!!
what else ?
We have copies of MISHAKOSMOS: The Music of Misha Mengelberg again! Ordering info and all physical details of the book can be found here.
Our friend Bret Sjerven wrote an excellent overview of Han’s “Bandcampable” releases, spanning not only his history with ICP but also recordings with Sonny Rollins and Clusone Trio, you can check it out here.
Lastly, a reminder that we still have an ANBI status, which means that any donations are tax-deductible (in the Netherlands). If you’d like to support us directly, well we have a PayPal link for that, or better yet: order some ICP merchandise—help and enjoy at the same time.
See you soon! And do get your MISHAKOSMOS so you can enjoy playing Misha’s music on your own—ICP won’t be around forever to do it for you !
after …
Zing Zangedly yours,
Susanna & ICP