Dear friends and jazz lovers !
The second edition of Scope Festival starts next week! We are pretty happy that we were able to convince some of the most talented musicians from Scandinavia to perform at our little festival. You find more infos and tickets on our website and the full lineup below. And if you have some time check out our festival trailer here.
Kiasmos | Nicola Cruz | Nils Petter Molvaer | Jay-Jay Johanson | ADHD | Bernhoft | Rohey | Nordic Jazz Comets | Hess Is More | We Jazz Label Night | Girls in Airports | Amok Amor | Matthias Nilsson
Looking forward to hopefully see you at the festival and have a drink together!
the programme:
18.10 Nordic Jazz Comets / Privatclub
19.10 Rohey / Privatclub
20.10 ADHD / Berghain Kantine
20.10 Jay-Jay Johanson / Binuu
22.10 Nils Petter Molvaer / Lido
23.10 Amok Amor / Monarch
24.10 Mattias Nilsson / Ölbergkirche
25.10 Bernhoft & The Fashion Bruises / Prince Charles
25.10 Kiasmos & Nicola Cruz / Huxleys
26.10 Hess is More / Berghain Kantine
27.10 Bowman Trio, Jaska Lukkarinen & Black Motor / Monarch
30.10 Girls in Airports / Prince Charles