This duo of pianist Vadim Neselovskyi and French Alp-horn player Arkadyi Shilkloper is my latest discovery. Straight from the beginning without going deeper it has my deepest and honest recommendation.
It is congenial connection of two music personalities who are both adventurous and fearless. The way Shilkloper plays his horns is simply breath taking. It not easy to stay in melody as he does playing brass instrument, but the way he is holding that makes it sounding like he is playing piano himself.
That’s how it appears in an opening Spring Song. Both voices are distinctive and have their own signature. Neselovskyi’s piano represents entire spectrum of pianism history. Both the Classical and Jazz traditions merges there into the one common denominator. No edges, no conflicts – just smoothness and neutrality. Program varies from tunes clearly taking from Eastern folk tradition with its deep nostalgia and Classical heritage to typical jazzy syncope. All elegant and played in the way you have never heard before.
But this kind of dialogue is deeply intimate. It takes you into the very private land and makes you feeling like you are sharing with both artists their deepest emotions and secrets. The moods vary from sublime, hymn like title song Krai to completely crazy approach like AlperiDou 2, which spans between almost the music mechanic like sounding piano and an Aborigine Didgeridoo like Arkadyi’s horn. Absolutely stunning example of an unusual sensitivity and creativity both artists posses.
Mutual understanding and the connection, constantly present in this recording, come from similar cultural background but not only that. There is sense of humour as well, smart quotes from the music you heard before put into this tissue in the way it never stops to amaze me. There is something organic there as well what connects straight to your heart beat,. It takes control and makes you breathing with this music like with the fresh air. And it tastes like it never did before.
Refreshing like a frosty morning draft, or deep breathe after mint. In the same time it keeps your blood cells tapping their legs happily, well warmed up and stepping in the pulse of the music like in the ritual pageant. The same organic feeling brings to imagination constantly different landscapes, shapes and colours. Keeps you incessantly emotionally engaged and intellectually involved. Never stops entertaining.
Whatever one would like to say more about it that will not explain the beauty of this meeting fully. This is really the giant step walking on the golden path coated with a fairy dust and surrounded with the rich blend of aroma that smells like a paradise. No more no less. I swear.